SCDSB is committed to building strong positive relationships with licensed child care operators and early learning communities.  Shared trust, commitment and goals between children, families, board staff and child care providers promote effective relationships, supporting student achievement, well-being and transitions for children and families.

View this SCDSB Child Care Partners video highlighting this partnership.

Marsha Walker

Early Years & Child Care Coordinator


Supporting Kindergarten and Child Care relationships: Resource Lending Library


The County of Simcoe, Children Services Department is extending an invitation to Kindergarten Teachers and Designated Early Childhood Educators in Kindergarten classrooms, to have access to the Resource Lending Library. This may support the relationship between the School and Child Care Educators, where they may decide to complete a book study together or share materials between the school core day classrooms and the before and after school programs that are sharing the same space.


Inquiry- based learning resources are available through the Children Services Lending Library and is accessed through the Professional Development  section in the Children and Services section of the County website. 


To borrow items, complete the Request for Inquiry-based Learning Materials  form and submit to Nicole Parent as noted in the form. 


The SCDSB, in partnership with child care operators are proud to work together to fulfill the Ministry's vision of "How Does Learning Happen?"  for the youngest children.  Infant, toddler and preschool programs in child care centres and school age before and after school programs in SCDSB are operated by non-profit, established child care operators.  These child care programs are licensed by the Ministry of Education (MOE), Child Care Quality Licensing Unit to assess compliance with regulations under the Unit. Programs must meet compliance under the Child Care and Early Years Act 2014 (CCEYA) and other applicable acts governing the operation of licensed child care. 

Bradford Progress Child Care                                                   Orillia Central Preschool        

 SEEDS Childcare                                                                                        Upper Canada Child Care            

 YMCA of Simcoe/Muskoka                                           York Professional Care and Education