Week Nine (May 11-May 15)

Monday, May 11, 2020

  • This year we are excited to be able to do a virtual talent show! This is open for grades 3-8. Videos are due Thursday, May 14th. Click here for the information!

  • Remember, our next zoom meeting will be tomorrow at 12:00 p.m.!

3 minute daily prayer (Click on "Start Your Retreat")

Math: Please log on to ThinkCentral and do your online math lesson and homework for 10-4. Please make sure you submit the assignment when you are done with it.

Reading: Please log into google classroom and click on the document titled, "Shiloh-Chapter 11-Mr. Webb's Copy." Then, you can listen to the read aloud of the story by clicking here and here. You only need to listen up to when chapter 11 ends. Then, go to google classroom and click on the assignment titled, "Shiloh-Chapter 11 questions-Mr. Webb's Copy." Make sure you submit these questions when you are done-you may use the reading to help you. Please make sure you are working towards your 4th quarter AR goals by reading for 20 minutes each night! Remember, you can now take your tests just like you would access them if we were at the school!

Social Studies: Please log into google classroom and click on the assignment titled "Harriet Beecher Stowe-Mr. Webb's Copy." On the second slide, there is a link for you to click on. You will use this link to help you complete slides 1-5 today. You will do the remaining 3 slides tomorrow.

Science: Please log into google classroom and click on the announcement that explains the review Kahoot that is posted. The review game will be over our "Diseases" unit for health. Please complete this review Kahoot to help you prepare for your tests over diseases, which will be on Thursday.

Language Arts: To read this week's Scholastic story, please click on the link here. Then, follow the instructions that I have posted in google classroom in order to access the story.

Religion: Please see Miss Luersman's page. Miss Luersman has set up a google classroom for Religion. If you go to where you would normally find my google classroom, you should also see one titled "4-1 Religion Class." Please log into this as soon as possible!

Specials: Please see Mrs. Daley's page.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Math: Please use today to complete slides 1-3 of your assignment in google classroom titled "Chapter 10 Review." Tomorrow, you will be doing slides 4-6. Here are some videos to help you with the assignment:

Here are videos to help you remember the lessons:

Lines, Rays, and Angles

Classifying triangles by angles

Perpendicular and parallel lines

Classifying Quadrilaterals

Reading: Please log into google classroom and click on the document titled, "Shiloh-Chapter 12-Mr. Webb's Copy." Then, you can listen to the read aloud of the story by clicking here. Then, go to google classroom and click on the assignment titled, "Shiloh-Chapter 12 questions-Mr. Webb's Copy." Make sure you submit these questions when you are done-you may use the reading to help you. Please make sure you are working towards your 4th quarter AR goals by reading for 20 minutes each night! Remember, you can now take your tests just like you would access them if we were at the school!

Social Studies: Please use today to complete the remaining slides of your "Harriet Beecher Stowe" activity from yesterday.

Science: Please log into google classroom and click on the assignment titled "Health-Diseases-Practice Test." Please submit your tests when you are done. Make sure you look over the questions that were missed so that you are prepared for your actual tests on Thursday!

Language Arts-Please use today to finish reading your Scholastic article from yesterday. Instructions on how to log into Scholastic and view this week's story are posted on google classroom.

Religion: Please see Miss Luersman's page. Miss Luersman has set up a google classroom for Religion. If you go to where you would normally find my google classroom, you should also see one titled "4-1 Religion Class." Please log into this as soon as possible!

Specials: Please see Mrs. Daley's page.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Math: Please use today to complete slides 4-6 from your assignment from yesterday titled "Chapter 10 review" in google classroom.

Reading: Please log into google classroom and click on the document titled, "Shiloh-Chapter 13-Mr. Webb's Copy." Then, you can listen to the read aloud of the story by clicking here. You can stop listening after chapter 13 ends. Your chapter 13 questions will be posted tomorrow, along with the chapter 14 questions (there aren't many questions from chapter 13, so I decided to just combine the two.) Make sure you submit these questions when you are done-you may use the reading to help you. Please make sure you are working towards your 4th quarter AR goals by reading for 20 minutes each night! Remember, you can now take your tests just like you would access them if we were at the school!

Social Studies: Please use today to read chapter 7, lesson 2 in your social studies books on pages 198-200.

Language Arts: Today you are going to start planning a dream road trip! Go to google classroom and click on the project titled "Plan a Road Trip-Mr. Webb's Copy." Today, you only need to read through the first slide and complete the second slide. If you click here, you can use google maps to help you determine the distance that the destination is from your house. When you pull up google map, use your address for the first line (the one that says "choose starting point") and use your destination for the second line (the one that says "choose destination.) This will help you with your first slide. For the lines that say "main attraction" and "another attraction" on the slide, you will need to do some research on google (or another resource) to find other fun things to do in the state that you have chosen to take your dream road trip to.

Religion: Please see Miss Luersman's page. Miss Luersman has set up a google classroom for Religion. If you go to where you would normally find my google classroom, you should also see one titled "4-1 Religion Class." Please log into this as soon as possible!

Specials: Please see Mrs. Daley's page.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Math: Please log into google classroom and complete the assignment titled, "Chapter 10-MidChapter Checkpoint." Please make sure you submit the assignment when you are done with it.

Reading: Please log into google classroom and click on the document titled, "Shiloh-Chapter 14-Mr. Webb's Copy." Then, you can listen to the read aloud of the story by clicking here and here. You can stop listening after chapter 14 ends. Then, go to google classroom and click on the assignment titled, "Shiloh-Chapter 13 and 14 questions-Mr. Webb's Copy." Make sure you submit these questions when you are done-you may use the reading to help you. Please make sure you are working towards your 4th quarter AR goals by reading for 20 minutes each night! Remember, you can now take your tests just like you would access them if we were at the school!

Science: Please log into google classroom and click on the assignment titled "Health-Diseases-Test." Please submit your tests when you are done. Good luck!

Language Arts: Please use today to complete slides 3-5 of your "Plan a Road Trip" projects. For slide 5, the letters "Qty" stand for "quantity." So for example, if you decide to bring one backpack, you would write the number "1" under quantity, and you would be spending $12.50 on it. But if you decide to bring two backpacks, you would write the number "2" under quantity, and you would be spending $25 on it. Under each category that says "subtotal," you need to add up the total amount of money that you spent on the items in that column. Then, add each "subtotal" category together to get your "total."

Religion: Please see Miss Luersman's page. Miss Luersman has set up a google classroom for Religion. If you go to where you would normally find my google classroom, you should also see one titled "4-1 Religion Class." Please log into this as soon as possible!

Specials: Please see Mrs. Daley's page.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Math: Please log on to ThinkCentral and do your online math lesson and homework for 10-5. Please make sure you submit the assignment when you are done with it.

Reading: Please listen to the read aloud of Shiloh, chapter 15 by clicking here and here. Then, go to google classroom and click on the assignment titled, "Shiloh-Chapter 15 questions-Mr. Webb's Copy." Make sure you submit these questions when you are done-you may use the read aloud to help you. Please make sure you are working towards your 4th quarter AR goals by reading for 20 minutes each night! Remember, you can now take your tests just like you would access them if we were at the school! Your AR goals are going to be due on Monday of next week!

Social Studies: Please use today to read chapter 7, lesson 3 in your social studies books on pages 204-207.

Science: Please click here to watch a video. This video ties in well with what we have been learning about in our health unit over diseases.

Language Arts: Please use today to complete slides 6-8 of your "Plan a Road Trip" projects.

Religion: Please see Miss Luersman's page. Miss Luersman has set up a google classroom for Religion. If you go to where you would normally find my google classroom, you should also see one titled "4-1 Religion Class." Please log into this as soon as possible!

Specials: Please see Mrs. Daley's page.