
THE LAST WEEK: Appreciation Rocks


We are going to borrow an end of year tradition that I learned when I worked at Rock Point School in Burlington. On the last night of the the end of the year camping trip students would go out and find a small rock. In the evening, all of the students in the school would gather in a circle and take turns giving their rock to someone and telling them what they appreciated about them. 

How it Works

The first person to start chooses someone to appreciate. They spend a minute or so telling that person what they appreciate about them and then present them with their rock, "Joyce, I appreciate..." The person who was just appreciated repeats this process for someone else in the circle. This continues until there is one person remaining. The last person appreciates the first person that started off the circle.

Ground Rules

For Today

Explain this process to your students, then go outside and have them find a rock for tomorrow. As students are walking around trying to find their rock they can do some reflecting on what they appreciate about each member of their advisory. Once they find a rock, they could leave it somewhere in your room so that they don't forget it or take it home to decorate it if that's their thing. 

Pro tip: You should gather a bunch of extra rocks for backup when your students forget where theirs went.


Find a nice spot (outside if the weather permits) and have everyone sit in a circle. Review the ground rules for this circle then decide on someone to start the circle. If you have a student that is new to the group, consider letting them start first so that they have the most options for who to pick. 

Leave with all sorts of warm fuzzy feelings 💕 .