Social Justice Standards

Week of 3/4-8


Monday: No School- Break

Tuesday: No School-Town Meeting Day

Teachers have in-service

Voters Vote.

Thursday: Welcome Back

Please take some time to check in with each other. Suggested prompts:

Week of 3/11-15


Tuesday: Woman's History

Start here. Discuss Why A Women’s History Month? Have each person turn and try to answer this to their neighbor.

 This link can give some context and answers if students are having a hard time answering the question. 2024 Theme

Thursday: Spring Conferences Work

While you meet 1:1 others can pick one of these activities to do together.


Week of 3/18-3/22


Monday: Stephen Hill Presentations

From Meg's email: Stephen Hill will share his struggles with substance abuse and provide insight into prevention to our school community.  He has spoken to both the MMU and Rice student bodies and comes highly recommended.

In recognition that the topic of substance abuse is triggering for many, I invite you to view a couple of his clips (Clip 1 Clip 2) where he shares his story. Please know that if you need support for this presentation, you can contact our Employee EAP. If during or after the presentation any of your students need support, please send them to Guidance.

Schedule for the day

Tuesday: Stephen Hill Reflection and Debrief

Thursday: Spring Conference Prep. and Women's History Month

Spring Conference Prep.-

Have students talk with a friend about which option they think they'll use and start to think about their responses to the prompts.

Women's History Month-

Week of 3/25-29


Tuesday: Spring Conference Planning and End of Quarter

All set with conference stuff? Here are options for celebrating Women's History Month.


Thurssday: HIGH FIVES