5 Year Strategic Plan Abstract: 

The Saydel strategic planning framework aligns to the district mission and emphasizes our uncompromising commitment to ensuring students graduate from Saydel Community School District ready for college, career, entry into the workforce or military.  Our work will not be complete until all students are achieving at the highest of levels and are prepared to successfully compete in a global society while living out a quality life. To that end, Saydel Community School District has pledged to help each student personalize their educational experience, related to his or her proximal levels of development, as they progress down their journey.  

Our graduates will attain deep academic knowledge in core subjects, the arts, employability skills, 21st Century Skills, and career and technical education, thus successfully preparing them for the complex world and workplace of today and tomorrow.  In closing, the following framework coherently outlines humanistic and system expectations, serving as organizational leverage points for comprehensive school improvement efforts at Saydel Community School District, to ensure every student is prepared for successful futures.

1: Culture of Excellence

1.1 Culture and Climate

1.2 Maximizing Potential

1.3 Marketing Plan

1.4 Retaining Our People

1.5 Learning Environment

2. Collaborative Partnerships and Relationships

2.1  Student-Parent-Staff

2.2  School-Community

2.3 Staff-Staff: 

3: High-Quality Teaching and Learning

3.1 Instructional excellence:

3.2 Collaborative learning:

3.3 Collective leadership:

3.4 Reflective culture:

3.5 Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS):

"Through the pillars of humanistic and systems capital, a culture of excellence is intentionally built, fortified, and sustained."