Saydel Strategic Plan

Monitoring Metric Dimensions

The Monitoring Metrics for our Saydel Strategic Plan is laid out in three dimensions: Student Achievement, Implementation Data, and Perceptual Data. The intent is to capture the quantitative (assessment and statistical evidence) and qualitative (survey and perceptual) data utilizing a body of evidence approach. Our hope is to provide the Saydel stakeholders a more wholistic picture of what teaching and leanring looks and feels like across our organization.

Student Achievement: District Targets


  • Iowa Statewide Assessment for Student Progress (ISASP)/Iowa School Performance Profiles

  • FAST

  • ACT

  • Graduation Rates

  • Daily Attendance Rates

  • Behavior Reports

  • Participation Rates

  • Report Cards/ Proficiency Levels

Implementation Data: School Improvement

  • Implementation studies/surveys: District Initiatives

    • Culture of Excellence: Mindset Shift, Maximizing Humanistic Capital, Marketing Plan, and Retaining People

    • Collaborative Partnerships and Relationships: Staff-Staff, Student-Parent-Staff (SEBMH), and School-Community

    • High Quality Teaching and Learning: GVC-Mapping, SBE/SRG, 21st Century Learning, and MTSS

  • Building Goals

Perceptual Data: Stakeholder Feedback

  • Student Surveys (Gallup)

  • School Improvement Advisory Committee (SIAC) Feedback

  • Parent-Teacher Conference Attendance Rates and Feedback

  • Employee Engagement Surveys

  • District and Building Communications

“Everybody can be great because anybody can serve.” ~Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.