Music Theory
All music theory will be facilitated through
There is a treasure trove of knowledge based in the lessons and then skill building through different difficulties in the exercises section. Try to follow the lesson plan below if you want to dig into the music theory. There is a lot of refresher stuff in the first bunch of lessons. Feel free to ask Mr. B or Mr. K about anything that you don't understand.
Music Theory Class
In looking into more online options for the music theory course, we've found that the theory lessons inside of really correspond well with what we would be teaching within the class itself. We will use the book to help supplement those instructions as needed. So - for the remainder of the term the syllabus for music theory will look like this:
Week 1 - Scales and Key Signatures
Week 2 - Intervals
Week 3 - Chords
Week 4 - Diatonic Triads and Roman Numeral Analysis
Week 5 - Diatonic Seventh Chords and Roman Numeral Analysis
Week 6 - Voicing and Composing
Week 7 - Chord Progressions
Week 8 - Chord Inversions
Week 9 - Composition Project
Rhythm & Meter
Scales and Key Signatures
Diatonic Chords
Chord Progressions
Neapolitan Chords
For exercises, adjust the settings so that you're always in the grand staff (both treble and bass clefs). Then make it as tough or easy as you'd like. Keep pushing towards tougher and tougher. You can do a challenge mode and see how many you can get in the time limit to help facilitate growth or, if not in challenge mode, then go for at least 30 right at 100% accuracy. You can grab a progress sheet here to keep track of your success over time. Have fun!
Staff Identification
Note Identification
Key Signature Identification
Interval identification
Scale Identification
Chord Identification
Staff Construction
Note Construction
Key Signature Construction
Interval Construction
Scale Construction
Chord Construction
Keyboard Identification (Piano Keys)
Keyboard Note Identification
Keyboard Reverse Identification
Keyboard Scale Identification
Keyboard Chord Identification
Fretboard Identification (Guitar Neck)
Fretboard Note Identification
Fretboard Interval Identification
Fretboard Scale Identification
Fretboard Chord Identification
Ear Training
Keyboard Ear Training
Note Ear Training
Interval Ear Training
Scale Ear Training
Chord Ear Training