Executive Session

Sauk Prairie High School - Prairie du Sac, WI

Directors: Matthew Brennan, Jennifer Gulsvig Dunn & Evan Lange

Show Band Director: Steve Jaeckel

Choreographers: Ariel Juarez & Jessica Ballweg


Selections from the Broadway musical "Jesus Christ Superstar"




Simons Zealotes

Everything's Alright

The Temple


I Don't Know How to Love Him

King Herod's Song



The Executive Session, under the direction of Matthew Brennan, Evan Lange, Jennifer Gulsvig Dunn, & Steve Jaeckel with Choreography by Ariel Juarez and Jessica Ballweg, is a co-curricular offering at Sauk Prairie High School and meets 2-3 times a week during their season.  The Executive Session has become recognized for programming music from a single musical for competition shows.  This year the Executive Session will perform selections from the Broadway musical, Jesus Christ Superstar.


Taylor Babcock

Micah Boerger

Drake Brensike

Aaron Clement

Meghan Colstad

Evelyn Cunningham

Abi De La Cruz Valles

Lucas Denis

Lauren Endres

John Fabian

Ava Flanagan

Kayla Fritz

Henry Gagnon

Reese Grinstead

Elleigh Harter

Simon Homp

Geneva Howard

Amara Hubbard

Ava John

Mandy Johnson

Alli Krueger

Gavin Krueger

Walter Larson

Violet Larson

Erick Lopez Castillo

Myles Mauch

Logan Meier

Auggie Osiedacz

Elio Piccinelli

Emma Rhyner

Sam Roberts

Seneca Ruyle

Lila Shadewald

Jonah Sherwood

Jenna Shimpach

Noah Showalter

Noelle Small

Hailey Stout

Daxon Varela

Zak Vaughan

Kaitlyn Wicklund

Sophie Witecha

Paolo Yanke

Lydia Zajicek

Show Band 

Set - Lee LaVigne

Bass - Elliot Steiner

Guitar - Boden Bruni

Piano - Evan Lange

Aux Percussion - Kole Barta, Isabelle Diehl

Trumpets: Micael Louis, Andi Kranzusch

Low Brass: Kai Binkowski, Molly Schneller, Sam Weber

Saxes: Sutton Enge, Simon Green

Flute: Brooke Heinz

Stage Crew 

Garrett Long

Evelyn Olson

Abby Scates