5th Finishes Netiquette Stories

Abigale Taylor - [Template] Netiquette
Blake Zarta - [Template] Netiquette

As a part of our digital citizenship unit, the 5th grade students created their own digital safety picture books. Their first step was to create a storyboard to map out their plan. This was done using Storyboard That. At this beginning stage, we discussed the importance of a clear beginning, middle, and end.

Based on other digital safety picture books we read, we decided that it was critical to make the reason for the problem and the solution very clear since young children may be reading our books. Many of us had to do a lot of editing to make sure our message was clear!

Once the storyboard was complete, the students used Google Drawing to create their characters. They learned how to make a copy of an existing character in order to make minor adjustments, such as a "happy" version and a "scared" version. These drawings, when completed, were downloaded as images to the computer so they could be used in our Google Slides story.

Here you can see the final results of our hard work. We hope you like them!

Cailin Tarr - [Template] Netiquette
Anastacia Locke - [Template] Netiquette
Jacob Sanders - [Template] Netiquette
Kendal Heyman - [Template] Netiquette
Jared Beale - [Template] Netiquette
Julie Pugh - [Template] Netiquette
Raquel Rousseau - [Template] Netiquette
Zander Mini - [Template] Netiquette
Nicholas Austin - [Template] Netiquette
Tessa Richardsen - [Template] Netiquette