Session S2 W2

Warm Up

Dynamic Warm up

Burgener Barbell Warm up

3 sets of 5 reps of Romanian Dead Lifts from the High Hang position. Start with an empty bar and move to approximately 1/2 your body weight. This about getting a good posterior chain stretch, not moving a large load.

5 sets of 3 reps of 5 second negative deadlifts with an empty bar.


  • 5 sets of 8-10 Snatch Grip Deadlifts. Work to a moderate effort based on how the loads feel.
  • 5 sets of 12-15 Glute Bridges. This is a HEAVY effort and you should be falling to the 12 rep range by your last two sets. Failed reps due to fatigue are totally acceptable, if not encouraged.
  • 3 sets of 15 of GHD Hip & Back Extension. This should be felt in the posterior chain, mostly hamstrings and glutes. If you are feeling tightness in your lower back, this is a sign that you are performing them incorrectly and are engaging your erectors instead of your posterior chain.
  • Accumulate 100 seconds of Hanging L-sit. The length of each attempt does not matter, just the execution of a good movement.


The GHD Hip and Back Extensions should be felt in the posterior chain, mostly in your hamstrings and glutes. If you are feeling tightness or pain in your lower back, this is a sign that you are performing the movement incorrectly and are engaging your erectors instead of your posterior chain.