Session P3 W3


Dynamic Stretching

Burgener Barbell Warm up

3 sets of 10 Waiter KB squats, with a minimum load of 8kg. Please go to full depth and make sure to have an externally rotated shoulder; form over load.

3 sets of 3 reps of Wall Walks


Starting with an empty bar bell, perform 10 Shoulder Presses. Add 10# to the bar each set and record the highest 3 sets.


  • 3 sets of max reps of Shoulder Press Burnouts. You will do the maximum number of strict shoulder presses you can before dropping to a push press. When you can no longer perform any additional push presses, drop to push jerks. Take 5-10 minutes to recover. Try to match your total number of reps each set. Make an effort to really maximize the use of your hips during each push press and jerk rep.


In six minutes, perform as many rounds/reps as possible of:

Rest for 5 minutes.

In 4 minutes, perform as many rounds/reps as possible of:

Rest for 3 minutes.

In 2 minutes, perform as many rounds/reps as possible of: