

The following workouts are meant to supplement the work you are doing on the track and in the pit. They are designed to help you get strong and be balanced in that strength to keep you from becoming injured. As stated on the Track & Field Page, do not perform additional or supplemental training if you are feeling fatigued. Symptoms of fatigue/overtraining are: relentless fatigue, poor training performance, lethargy, low motivation, and a bad attitude about life in general.

Day 1 Odd Weeks

Day 2 Odd Weeks

  • American Kettlebell Swings - 4x15 with a HEAVY kettlebell [you should be using your 'hip flick' to drive the kettlebell up, not a squat motion]
  • Kettlebell Snatch - 3x5 each arm at Moderate effort [start with a light kettlebell and work up to a weight that forces you to use your hips, while having great form with a solid lockout overhead]
  • Hang Clean - 3x5 at Moderate Intensity/Effort [start with an empty barbell and work up to a relatively heavy weight that forces you to use your hips (and not your arms) while having exceptional form. If any rounding of your back occurs, go down in weight. Perform 3 sets at the same weight]
  • Overhead Lunges with a plate- 3x12 each leg (45# for males, 35# for females, 25# for underclassmen)

Day 1 Even Weeks

  • Dumbbell Step Ups with Extension - 3x15 (each leg) HEAVY load [for this exercise use a box height that doesn't make your thigh go beyond parallel]
  • Glute Bridges - 5x8-10 reps with a Heavy load
  • Front Rack Lunges - 3x12 (each leg) (45# barbell for males, 35# barbell for females, 25# training barbell for underclassmen)
  • GHD Parallel Sit-ups/Hip Extensions Supersets - 3x15 at each exercise (do 15 sit-ups, then 15 hip extensions)

Day 2 Even Weeks

  • American Kettlebell Swings - 4x15 with a HEAVY kettlebell [you should be using your 'hip flick' to drive the kettlebell up, not a squat motion]
  • Kettlebell Snatch - 3x5 each arm at Moderate effort [start with a light kettlebell and work up to a weight that forces you to use your hips, while having great form with a solid lockout overhead]
  • Single Arm Half-Kneeling Landmine Press - 3x15 (each arm) Heavy load
  • Max Rep Pull-ups - 3 sets (perform 3 sets of pull-ups with the maximum repetitions possible before dropping from the bar)