Skills - 2nd Grade

Skills - 2nd Grade - Unit 4

Unit 4 Lesson 1 Spelling Alternatives: Introduce /er/ › ‘er’, ‘ir’, and ‘ur’

Unit 4 Lesson 2 Spelling Alternatives: Review /er/ › ‘er’, ‘ir’, and ‘ur’

Unit 4 Lesson 3 Spelling Alternative: Introduce /i/ › ‘y’

Unit 4 Lesson 4 Review: Tricky Spelling ‘i’

Unit 4 Lesson 5 Assessment: Spelling Assessment

Unit 4 Lesson 6 Tricky Spelling: Introduce ‘y’ › /y/, /i/, or /ie/

Unit 4 Lesson 7 Grammar: Plural Nouns and Apostrophe-‘s’

Unit 4 Lesson 8 Tricky Spelling: Review ‘o’ › /o/ or /oe/

Unit 4 Lesson 9 Tricky Spelling: Introduce ‘ow’ › /oe/ or /ou/

Unit 4 Lesson 10 Assessment and Grammar: Spelling Assessment and Irregular Plural Nouns

Unit 4 Lesson 11 Tricky Spelling: Introduce ‘e’ › /ee/ or /e/

Unit 4 Lesson 12 Grammar and Writing: Review Proper Nouns and Introduce Persuasive Writing

Unit 4 Lesson 13 Grammar and Writing: Proper Nouns and Persuasive Writing

Unit 4 Lesson 14 Grammar and Writing: Introduce Verb: to be and Persuasive Writing

Unit 4 Lesson 15 Assessment and Writing: Edit a Persuasive Letter

Unit 4 Lesson 16 Writing: Edit and Publish a Persuasive Letter

Unit 4 Lesson 17 Spelling Alternatives: Introduce /ee/ › ‘y’ and ‘ey’

Unit 4 Lesson 18 Review: Tricky Spelling ‘y

Unit 4 Lesson 19 Grammar: Present and Past Tense of the Verb: to be

Unit 4 Lesson 21 Spelling Alternatives: Introduce /aw/ › ‘al’, ‘au’, and ‘aw’