Math - 1st Grade
Math - 1st Grade - Module 2
Module 2 Lesson 1 Solve word problems with three addends, two of which make ten.
Module 2 Lesson 2 Use the associative and commutative properties to make ten with three addends.
Module 2 Lesson 3 Make ten when one addend is 9.
Module 2 Lesson 4 Make ten when one addend is 9.
Module 2 Lesson 5 Compare efficiency of counting on and making ten when one addend is 9.
Module 2 Lesson 6 Use the commutative property to make ten.
Module 2 Lesson 7 Make ten when one addend is 8.
Module 2 Lesson 8 Make ten when one addend is 8.
Module 2 Lesson 9 Compare efficiency of counting on and making ten when one addend is 8.
Module 2 Lesson 10 Solve problems with addends of 7, 8, and 9.
Module 2 Lesson 11 Share and critique peer solution strategies for put together with total unknown word problems.
Module 2 Lesson 12 Solve word problems with subtraction of 9 from 10.
Module 2 Lesson 13 Solve word problems with subtraction of 9 from 10.
Module 2 Lesson 14 Model subtraction of 9 from teen numbers.
Module 2 Lesson 15 Model subtraction of 9 from teen numbers.
Module 2 Lesson 16 Relate counting on to making ten and taking from ten.
Module 2 Lesson 17 Model subtraction of 8 from teen numbers.
Module 2 Lesson 18 Model subtraction of 8 from teen numbers.
Module 2 Lesson 19 Compare efficiency of counting on and taking from ten.
Module 2 Lesson 20 Subtract 7, 8, and 9 from teen numbers.
Module 2 Lesson 21 Share and critique peer solution strategies for take from with result unknown and take apart with addend unknown word problems from the teens.
Module 2 Lesson 22 Solve put together/take apart with addend unknown word problems and relate counting on to the take from ten strategy.
Module 2 Lesson 23 Solve add to with change unknown problems, relating varied addition and subtraction strategies.
Module 2 Lesson 24 Strategize to solve take from with change unknown problems.
Module 2 Lesson 25 Strategize and apply understanding of the equal sign to solve equivalent expressions.
Module 2 Lesson 26 Identify 1 ten as a unit by renaming representations of 10.
Module 2 Lesson 27 Solve addition and subtraction problems decomposing and composing teen numbers as 1 ten and some ones.
Module 2 Lesson 28 Solve addition problems using ten as a unit, and write two-step solutions.
Module 2 Lesson 29 Solve subtraction problems using ten as a unit, and write two-step solutions.