Math - 1st Grade
Math - 1st Grade - Module 5
Module 5 Lesson 1 Classify shapes based on defining attributes using examples, variants, and non-examples.
Module 5 Lesson 2 Find and name two-dimensional shapes including trapezoid, rhombus, and a square as special rectangle, based on defining attributes of sides and corners.
Module 5 Lesson 3 Find and name three-dimensional shapes including cone and rectangular prism, based on defining attributes of faces and points.
Module 5 Lesson 4 Create composite shapes from two-dimensional shapes.
Module 5 Lesson 7 Name and count shapes as parts of a whole, recognizing relative sizes of the parts.
Module 5 Lesson 8 Partition shapes and identify halves and quarters of circles and rectangles
Module 5 Lesson 10 Construct a paper clock by partitioning a circle and tell time to the hour.
Module 5 Lesson 11 Recognize halves within a circular clock face and tell time to the half hour.
Module 5 Lesson 12 Recognize halves within a circular clock face and tell time to the half hour.