Mathematics Intervention Audit

In this project I reviewed current research on students who are ready for additional challenge in math class and how best to serve their needs.  I also conducted empathy interviews with students who are currently in accelerated math classes in my district, to refine my understandings of how best to serve these needs at a system and individual learner level (III.iv.a).  Additionally, I created a plan for how best to systemically support all learners, including learners who are ready for greater challenge, within heterogenous classrooms (III.iv.b, III.iv.d).

Peters Copy of Mathematics Intervention Audit_Challenge

I found the empathy interviews to have the greatest impact on shifting my thinking, so in addition to including the full project, I chose to include text from both interviews (II.c.ii).

Empathy Interview #1
Empathy Interview #1
Empathy Interview #2
Empathy Interview #2

Mathematics Specialist Standards 

II. Pedagogical Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics.

c. Curriculum and Assessment. MS professionals must know and be able to:

ii. Use multiple strategies, including listening to and understanding the ways students think about mathematics, to assess students’ mathematical knowledge. 

III. Leadership Knowledge and Skills

iv. MS Professionals must be able to

a. Evaluate educational structures and policies that affect students' equitable access to high quality mathematics instruction, and act professionally to assure that all students have appropriate opportunities to learn important mathematics. 

b. Evaluate the alignment of mathematics curriculum standards, textbooks, and required assessments and make recommendations for addressing learning and achievement gaps; 

d. advocate for the rights and/or needs of all students and to secure additional resources as needed. 

link to full list of Standards for Mathematics Specialists (MS) (AMTE, 2013) and descriptions.