Curriculum Adoption Project

Our secondary math team in my district are in the middle of a curriculum adoption process.  This will be a two year process by the time we have selected a new HS and new MS curriculum.  Along the way we are centering student, teacher and community voice.  Throughout the process, we are gathering feedback from teachers, students, and community members.  I'm facilitating a team of teachers who are evaluating curriculum using state standards, ODE curriculum evaluation rubrics and assessing their alignment with our district's math vision (II.c.iii, II.c.iv).

Copy of Oct 11 Secondary Math Adoption Onboarding Meeting

The district steering committee has spent 1 1/2 years evaluating and test driving curriculum.  On October 11th, we expanded our team to include board members, community members, parents and tribal representatives.  To "onboard" these new members, we hosted a meeting where we outlined our work so far and what was upcoming (III.ii.a-d,

Mathematics Specialist Standards 

II. Pedagogical Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics.

c. Curriculum and Assessment. MS professionals must know and be able to:

iii. Understand the importance of careful sequencing and development of mathematical ideas, concepts, and skills in the preK-middle/middle to high school grades curriculum; be able to engage in discussions and decision-making to establish appropriate benchmarks for learning goals.

iv. Select, use, adapt, and determine the suitability of mathematics curricula and teaching materials (e.g., textbooks, technology, manipulatives) for particular learning goals.

III. Leadership Knowledge and Skills

ii. MS Professionals must be able to

a-d. Engage in and facilitate continuous and collaborative learning that draws upon research in mathematics education to inform practice; enhance learning opportunities for all students' and teachers' mathematical knowledge development; involve colleagues and other school professionals, families, and various stakeholders; and advance the development in themselves and others as reflective practitioners as they utilize group processes to collaboratively solve problems, make decisions, manage conflict, and promote meaningful change. Select from a repertoire of methods to communicate professionally about students, curriculum, instruction, and assessment to educational constituents - parents and other caregivers, school administrators, and school boards.

link to full list of Standards for Mathematics Specialists (MS) (AMTE, 2013) and descriptions.