Curriculum Adoption Planning

As our district begins the task of adopting mathematics curriculum for secondary, I have been tasked with collaborating with our district Math SpecialistI've selected some artifacts that represent our work in leading the steering committee's work and thinking before convening our full adoption committee.

K-12 Math IMET Scoring Rubric.pdf
Secondary Math Textbook Steering Committee 2/2/23
1 ODE 4 Cornerstones.pdf
21st Century Skills (2).pdf

The task of selecting an adopted district math curriculum is immense.  In my role as the district math instructional mentor, I have been tasked with assisting our District Math Specialist in planning our steering committee meetings and selecting the readings and activities that we will ask our committee members to participate in to provide a strong foundation upon which to make their recommendations.  The artifacts that I've attached represent our guiding documents and evidence of our co-planned committee meetings.  ODE's four cornerstones + 21st Century Skills are always present at each of our meetings, to keep our committee's focus on our core beliefs.  I've also drawn upon ODE's Instructional Materials Evaluation Tool (which I used when assisting with the state's curriculum approval process from the summer of 2022) as a lens through which to evaluate curriculum.  Finally, attached are the agenda and activities from one of our steering committee meetings to show how we are guiding the conversations of the steering committee members as they look for consensus while representing their various stakeholders (III.ii.c, III.ii.d).

Mathematics Specialist Standards 

III. Leadership Knowledge and Skills. MS professionals must be able to:

ii.c. Involve colleagues and other school professionals, families, and various stakeholders; and.

III. Leadership Knowledge and Skills. MS professionals must be able to:

ii.d. advance the development in themselves and others as reflective practitioners as they utilize group processes to collaboratively solve problems, make decisions, manage conflict, and promote meaningful change.

link to full list of Standards for Mathematics Specialists (MS) (AMTE, 2013) and descriptions.