Task and Curriculum Analysis Project

In this analysis of the 6th grade Ready Classroom Mathematics curriculum, I evaluate the resources for alignment with Oregon State Standards, Math Practices and the goals of ambitious teaching.

Levels of Cognitive Demand.pdf

For this activity, I selected Ready Classroom Mathematics for sixth grade.  I focused my analysis on Lessons 15 and 16 from Unit 4, but I evaluated the curriculum using trends that I saw throughout the curriculum (including the on-line components) (II.c.iv).  Although I have not used this curriculum as a classroom teacher, I drew on my experiences as a middle school math instructional mentor to inform my analysis (II.a.ii). 

Mathematics Specialist Standards 

II. Pedagogical Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics.

a. Learners and Learning. MS professionals must know and be able to:

ii. Understand learning trajectories related to particular topics in mathematics (e.g., Common Core Standards Writing Team, 2013; Maloney & Confrey, 2013; Sarama & Clements, 2009) and use this knowledge to organize and deliver instruction that is developmentally appropriate and responsive to individual learners.

II. Pedagogical Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics.

b. Teaching. MS professionals must know and be able to:

vi. Model effective problem solving and mathematical practices—questioning, representing, communicating, conjecturing, making connections, reasoning and proving, self-monitoring—and cultivate the development of such practices in learners.

II. Pedagogical Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics.

c. Curriculum and Assessment. MS professionals must know and be able to:

i. Know learning trajectories related to mathematical topics and use this knowledge to sequence activities and design instructional tasks.

iii. Understand the importance of careful sequencing and development of mathematical ideas, concepts, and skills in the preK–middle grades curriculum; be able to engage in discussions and decision- making to establish appropriate benchmarks for learning goals from grades K to 8;

iv. Select, use, adapt, and determine the suitability of mathematics curricula and teaching materials (e.g., textbooks, technology, manipulatives) for particular learning goals;

v. Evaluate the alignment of local and state curriculum standards, district textbooks and district and state assessments, and recommend appropriate adjustments to address gaps.

III. Leadership Knowledge and Skills. MS professionals must be able to:

iv.b. e.g., evaluate the alignment of mathematics curriculum standards, textbooks, and required assessments and make recommendations for addressing learning and achievement gap.

link to full list of Standards for Mathematics Specialists (MS) (AMTE, 2013) and descriptions.