Coaching and Mentoring Project

In this write-up of a coaching cycle, I reflect on my experiences working through the Plan, Gather Data, and Reflect stages with a veteran teacher.  I evaluate the effectiveness of the experience for both the teacher and myself.

Coachee Shifts in Classroom Practice Self-Assessment (1).pdf
Peters, Jamie Coaching Mentoring Project

For this activity, I chose to work with a veteran teacher with whom I already had a trusting relationship.  This allowed us to dive deeper into the coaching and mentoring process.  We began by evaluating our current  level of success with the Shifts in Classroom Practice (III.iii.c).  We then co-planned a lesson (III.v.a) and I gathered data as the coachee taught the lesson.  We completed the coaching cycle with a reflection on the teacher's moves that made the lesson a success (III.v.b).

Mathematics Specialist Standards 

III. Leadership Knowledge and Skills. MS professionals must be able to:

iii.c. Support teachers in systematically reflecting and learning from practice.

III. Leadership Knowledge and Skills. MS professionals must be able to:

v.a. Use mathematics-focused instructional leadership skills to improve mathematics programs at the school and district levels.

III. Leadership Knowledge and Skills. EMS professionals must be able to:

v.b. e.g., serve as coach/mentor/content facilitator - providing feedback to colleagues to strengthen practice and improve student learning.

III. Leadership Knowledge and Skills. EMS professionals must be able to:

v.f. mentor new and experienced teachers to better serve students.

link to full list of Standards for Mathematics Specialists (MS) (AMTE, 2013) and descriptions.