Formative Assessment Cycle

By re-evaluating the purposes of assessment while keeping student identity and agency at the forefront of our thinking, we can improve learning for our students.  By looking for trends of assets amongst our students, we can improve teacher and student mindsets about learning.

Student Work #1
Student Work #2
Sample Student Work
Work Sample for Formative Assessment

Here I display the task used in a 6th grade class, some representative samples of student work, the trends analysis tool that I used for tracking assets in the understanding of students (, II.c.viii).  This task was chosen based on where students in the class were in their progression through 6th grade standards and an understanding of where they needed to progress before 7th and 8th grade units on 2D area (II.c.i).  After analyzing the results of the initial task using the trends analysis tool, I implemented an intervention tailored to the needs of individual students and the class (II.c.vii).  Also included is the write-up of my findings and results.

Trends in Student Thinking Data Tool
Formative Assessment Cycle Reflection
Next Steps Analysis

Mathematics Specialist Standards 

II. Pedagogical Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics.

c. Curriculum and Assessment. MS professionals must know and be able to:

i. Know learning trajectories related to mathematical topics and use this knowledge to sequence activities and design instructional tasks.

vi. Know the different formats, purposes, uses, and limitations of various types of assessment of student learning; be able to choose, design, and/or adapt assessment tasks for monitoring student learning. 

vii. Use the formative assessment cycle (administer a formative assessment task, analyze student responses to the task, and design and reteach lessons based on this analysis) and be able to find or create appropriate resources for this purpose. 

viii. Analyze formative and summative assessment results, make appropriate interpretations and communicate results to appropriate and varied audiences. 

link to full list of Standards for Mathematics Specialists (MS) (AMTE, 2013) and descriptions.