Professional Learning Experience

In this project, I explain my process for pre-planning a professional learning experience for a cadre of teachers implementing a new curriculum.  I also reflect on lessons learned and what factors I will consider when planning future professional learning experiences.

Copy of CPM Pilot Implementation
Peters Professional Learning Experience
Copy of Principles of Adult Learning/Effective PD

I included copies of my PL plan and the slides that I used to introduce instructional strategies aligned to the CPM curriculum implementation ( I have also included copies of the professional development learning template and  principles of adult learning and effective pdBoth were utilized in my pre-planning and reflection as shown in my write up of the project (III.iii.a).  

Mathematics Specialist Standards 

III. Leadership Knowledge and Skills. MS professionals must be able to:

iii.a. Plan, develop, implement, and evaluate professional development programs at the school and/or district level.

III. Leadership Knowledge and Skills. MS professionals must be able to:

vi. Select from a repertoire of methods to communicate professionally about students, curriculum, instruction, and assessment to educational constituents - parents and other caregivers, school administrators, and school boards.

link to full list of Standards for Mathematics Specialists (MS) (AMTE, 2013) and descriptions.