Remote Learning

Zoom Login

Mrs. Collins': Click here for the Zoom Link Meeting ID: 269 406 2449 Passcode: thirdgrade

Mrs. Surridge's: Click here for Zoom link Meeting ID: 331 575 3139 Passcode: thirdgrade

Mrs. Molitor's: Click here for Zoom link Meeting ID: 283 505 8753 Passcode: 135337

Dear Parents of Remote Learners,


Our Zoom link will be on our Google Classroom (for Mrs. Collins) and Google Classroom (for Mrs. Surridge). The password is thirdgrade. If, for whatever reason a Zoom connection crashes and the classroom has disappeared, wait five minutes to see if we come back on again. If we don't, disconnect and try to join again. If YOUR Zoom crashes, disconnect right away and join again. If we are having trouble re-connecting, we will email both the parent and child to let you know how to proceed.

**NOTE: We will have students in our classroom each morning so your child may have to wait a short time to be admitted into the meeting. There will also be times when we won't be able to answer Chat questions immediately.

Please read the following expectations to our remote learning experience. We are new to this also, so some things may change as we learn these new procedures with your family. We appreciate your grace and understanding.

As we accommodate remote learning for our students at Salem Lutheran School, we need to be mindful of appropriate behavior when using Zoom. Our positive school climate must extend into our new reality with remote learning. Please help your child maintain this climate by adhering to the following:

🟧 Be respectful and school-appropriate at all times

Please monitor your children as they access the online learning environment. Students need to refrain from disrespectful or disruptive behavior in the virtual classroom. Teachers reserve the right to mute students at any time, including when a student’s behavior interrupts the learning environment. Silly faces can be distracting and therefore not allowed on our calls.

🟦 Be present and mindful of others

Please prepare your children to be engaged in the virtual learning classroom prior to each live lesson. It may be helpful for students to have a good breakfast or snack prior to morning learning blocks and a good lunch or snack prior to afternoon learning blocks. Encourage your children to use the bathroom prior to logging in to each lesson to avoid unnecessary interruptions.

🟪 Practice active listening

Active participation in a virtual learning environment can be tricky as only one voice can come through at a time. Students may use the chat feature to type questions or comments during a live lesson. Questions and comments will only be seen by the teacher. It may be helpful to host your own Zoom meeting for practice. Teach children how to mute themselves, use the chat feature, raise their hand and how to enter into conversations by waiting for a pause in the discussions.

🟥Be Punctual

School begins at 8:30. Your child may join our Zoom meeting anytime between 8:00 and 8:30. Whole Group Instruction will likely be less than 30 minutes at a time. Please refer to the schedule given to you at orientation for subject start times. Your child is welcome to stay on with us the entire day. Our video and microphone will be muted only during on-campus recesses, lunch and P.E. If your child is unable to attend a lesson, please email his/her teacher. Teachers will be recording their live lessons and posting them on Google Classroom. Of course, it is best for students to participate in the live lessons in most cases, but we do understand that this will not always be possible.

🟩Learning Space

Find a place that is free from distractions and background noise that is comfortable, yet conducive to your best learning. A desk/table/surface is recommended. Please do not learn from your bed. No virtual backgrounds are allowed on our Zoom calls.

🟨Dress appropriately

Though we understand that remaining in your homes encourages a more relaxed dress code than the school environment, please follow the dress code guidelines in order to create a learning environment free of distractions. All students shall wear a Salem shirt during live sessions. If your child would not wear something to school, he/she should not wear that item during a live lesson.

🟫Respect Privacy

As you support your child’s remote learning, please be mindful of the privacy of other students in the class. Some students will require time to adjust to this environment and may forget they are on camera and do or say something silly. Please encourage your children to be especially patient and empathetic to others as they learn and grow as remote learners. Recording of class activities by anyone other than the teacher on Zoom is prohibited; neither the student nor parent may record, share, or alter the content of live class-related activities. Students may not record any live activity with other students when that activity is for the purpose of school-related work unless express permission is provided by a school official. In cases where a teacher does record a class lesson, he or she will make that recording available only to the students in the class. This posting will happen through Google Classroom. Any sharing of that recording by anyone other than a school official is prohibited.

Thank you for your support and partnership. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Mrs. Collins & Mrs. Surridge