About Third Grade

Mrs. Collins and Mrs. Surridge hope you will love third grade as much as we do! Here are some things we will be working on this year.

Christian Living: This year we will begin each day with prayer and focus our day on what Jesus has done for us and our salvation.

Language Arts: There are actually five different parts of our language arts lessons:reading comprehension strategies–where we will be exploring all the strategies successful readers use to understand what has been written, (See the Reading Counts page above the castle to learn a little something more about our reading comprehension.) teacher read aloud–where we get to read a terrific story out loud and you get to make yourself as comfortable as possible and just listen, read to someone else–where you will get to practice your reading to a buddy, writing–where we will be exploring all the strategies that writers use to show his/her reader what he/she wants the reader to know, and word work–where we explore spelling skills and different ways words and letters work together. (See the page called “Spelling Wiki” above the castle if you want to find out more.)

Math: We will begin the year reviewing the math we learned in second grade, including reviewing our addition and subtraction facts. We will be learning more about the language of math and improving our numeration skills (how numbers work), as well as working with graphing, money, geometry, problem solving, algebra, fractions and time concepts. The bulk of third grade math is practicing, exploring and discussing our multiplication/division skills.

Science and Social Studies: We will spend a lot of time exploring the scientific process this year and how it can be applied in almost every subject. We will also study biomes, animal adaptations, the moon, Native American cultures, and communities.

P.E.: Miss Aubrie LOVES moving and has many things planned to get us moving with her.

Music: Mrs. Busch will help us to understand how notes written on a staff translate to the language of music. Then we will practice reading the language by learning how to play the recorder! We will also be singing in church a couple of times and performing for two musicals. How exciting is that? Sharing our faith is what God calls us to do and he loves hearing us sing his praises!

Art: Mrs. Holani has some cool art projects planned for us and you can be sure that at least one of them has to do with clay. I can’t wait to see what she has planned!

Strategic Kids: The Strategic Kids team will teach your students so many fun things, including: academic chess, origami, LEGO builders, Master of the Field, and more!

Computers: We won’t actually have a “computer class” for our new iPads–instead we will use our iPad in class throughout the day! We will have our own email addresses and blog and learn to use Google Drive, iPhoto, Pages, iMovie, Keynote and much more! Get used to plugging in your iPad every night. Here are some of the things we will be doing with them:

taking spelling tests

taking pictures

finding information on websites



using pictures to learn

making movies

making keynotes

problem solving

writing stories



playing learning games

practicing math automaticity

recording memory verses



problem solving

teaching your teachers!!!

And that is all we are telling you! The rest is a surprise! We can’t wait to share it all with you…See you soon!