Book Commercials


We will be reading lots of wonderful books this year and we would like to share them with each other. To do this, your child will be presenting three book commercials to our class. The goal of the commercial is to get readers excited about a book author, series, or genre, and to practice public speaking and organization of thoughts.

The time limit will be no less than one minute and no more than two minutes. The commercial will be presented WITHOUT being read. The book needs to be present for the commercial but there are no more requirements other than following the rubric at the bottom of this page.

For each commercial due, I will let you know when a calendar has been posted here so you can check for your child’s due date. Please write it on your family calendar so that your child does not miss his/her day. I will not be reminding him/her ahead of time of the due date.

In the mean time, your child has plenty of time to choose a book and practice his/her presentation and delivery. During practice, please encourage your child to speak loudly and clearly without reading the commercial.

We will be seeing examples of book commercials and having lessons on preparation and presentation in class. We will also be learning how to write note cards. For the actual commercial, please do not write out a script with your child. We will be practicing with using notecards with only one-four words on them– just to cue the presenter as to what to share next. I can almost guarantee that if your child has a script he/she will read it, defeating the practice of natural public speaking.

The commercials are supposed to be lots of fun and very low pressure. It’s a way to share books with some of our best friends. See the guides below: “How to Advertise a Good Book” and “Realistic Fiction Book Commercial Rubric” for the grading guidelines for the commercial.

Our first book commercial will be from the realistic fiction genre. This includes books that have believable settings and could possibly happen in real life, but the characters are fictional. The commercials will be presented the week of NOV. 16-20

Mrs. Surridge's Class Realistic Fiction Book Commercial