Service Project

Service Project

Third graders at Salem have chosen to support the Orange County Animal Shelter for our service project. When Covid19 is over, we will visit the shelter to see how important it is to our community and to ask how we can help. We will also send out a call to all our friends and family to donate old towels, blankets and newspapers to warm the beds of the animals and to help in keeping the animals clean. Although this can be a very sad trip, we also get to see first hand how our donations can help the animals to have a better experience.

Also, when Covid19 is over, we will invite Nikki Esser at OC Service Dogs onto our campus. We are super blessed to be able to host a number of the dogs every week to help train them to be service/therapy dogs. We read to them while their handlers train them to sit still and “listen” so one day these amazing animals can be of service to someone who needs them.

Let us know if you would like to help in any way! We are so excited about this program!