
Last lesson, we looked at setting and the impact setting can have on the overall mood and characters of the story. In our look at The Breadwinner, we examined the impact the occupation by the Taliban and war had on the setting, which directly impacted Parvana and her family and the events of the story.

Today we will review characters of a story. This year we spent significant time on characters and character traits when writing our literary essay.


A character can be any person, a figure, an inanimate object, or animal. There are different types of characters, and each serves its unique function in a story, comic, play, video game or anything that tells a story. There are two types of characters that we focus on in stories- protagonist and antagonist

Take a look at the video for a description of a protagonist and antagonist


Every story has a protagonist, the main character, who creates the action of the plot and engages readers, arousing their empathy and interest. The protagonist is often a hero or heroine of the story, as the whole plot moves around him or her.



An antagonist is a bad guy, or an opponent of the protagonist or the main character. The action in the story arises from a conflict between the protagonist and the antagonist. The antagonist can be a person, an inanimate object, an animal, or nature itself.

Usually in Disney movies, the protagonist and antagonist are usually referenced as good vs evil. Watch the clip to the left of well-known examples in Disney films.