(Still) Teaching in a Pandemic

Welcome to 64!


Message from Ms. Champagne and Wilbur (my very lazy) at home teaching assistant

Welcome to 64! I cannot tell you how excited I am for our time together and getting to know each and every one of you throughout the year. As a grade 6 cohort, we are going to have a wonderful year filled with exciting opportunities and I promise we will make the absolute most of the experiences we may not have been able to enjoy last year.

As a teacher, my goal is to foster a classroom with a safe environment, which allows all of you to express yourselves openly and inspire rich conversation that considers ALL perspectives. All of you will be accepted and appreciated for who you are and what you bring to the table. There will absolutely be zero tolerance in my classroom for any kind of intolerance. You all bring something uniquely wonderful to our classroom and with that we will become a community of learners together.

This year, I will be teaching my homeroom all core subjects, which will allow several opportunities for cross-curricular learning! I will also be teaching art to my homeroom and Ms. Kirk's homeroom. Ms. Kirk will be teaching PE and health and flex will be taught by Mr. Ainsley. I am hopeful that this will be year where we see things getting back to normal and I cannot wait for all we will experience and share during your sixth grade year!

This website has been set up to allow the information that is covered in class to be easily reviewed and bridge the gap when students are absent or sick.

Please check in weekly for updates on what we have been doing throughout the week, as materials and notes from the weeks activities will be posted so students can access them whether they are in classroom or at home!

Please take a look at our class schedule and remember we run on a 6 day cycle. The 6-day cycle allows a rolling schedule so students are not consistently missing instruction that falls on a Monday or a Friday, which are typically days off for students with holidays or PL days.

The bell schedule and Rocky View 2021/2022 calendar has also been listed so families are aware of start times for subjects, scheduled holidays and professional learning days for teachers.

Timetables and Schedules

Recess and Lunch Times

With our schedule, morning or afternoon recess will be embedded in to the schedule. Usually, recess will happen from 10:30-10:51. With the changes to protocol, students do not have to stay in their cohorts or specific zones. The eating portion of lunch will be held from 11:47-12:17 and then the kids will be outside for recess from 12:17-12:47.

If you are curious about deadlines, please take a look at the calendar for updates from Google Classroom. It will also include important school dates. It is usually easiest when you select "view" "month"

Submitting Assignments and Deadlines/Dates

Each activity we do in class can either be submitted in person or through our Google Classroom page. The website is designed as the location to find the information for the activities and Google Classroom will simply be the place for submission, like a virtual filing cabinet or completed bin. I will do my best to ensure as much of the daily materials is digitized so students can access them whether they are at home or school, but that might simply be a picture of the anchor chart, notes etc that were created in the classroom, which will need to be copied down or printed.

Deadlines for assignments will be set and can be found both on the class site and on Google Classroom and Google Calendar. I am always willing to give students additional time and/or an opportunity to improve on assignments. I just ask that students and/or families give me a heads up before the due date of the assignment if an extension is needed.


If ever you have any questions regarding the material and or what is happening in the classroom, please feel free to send me an email or give me a call at the school.

  • My email is kchampagne@rvschools.ab.ca for students and kchampagne@rockyview.ab.ca for parents/guardians.

  • The school phone number is 403-948-2445

  • I will do my very best to respond to calls and emails in a timely manner but will make sure to be in touch within 24 hours.

Daily Agenda Message

Below find a link of our daily agenda message. I can't guarantee that we will have one everyday but we will try and maintain communication between home and school.