Thursday, October 27th, 2016

Post date: Oct 27, 2016 5:50:33 PM

French- pratique Les Fautomes et chante pour Mme. Dawe

Math- Khan Academy Video- Frequency Tables & Data Plots, Reading Stem & Leaf Plots

Art: Print out Reflection Sheet & complete for the 1 Image, 4 Styles Project

History: Complete the "Extending your Thinking" Question for Monday (if not already completed):

Extending your Thinking…

So many stories in history are silenced until the perspective of that group of people is brought forward. This was an important story that explains a different perspective about the First Contact experience between the Europeans and the First Nations people. In what way is your own story part of the the story of Canada?

Science: Get your quiz signed, and record your grade in your ROA. Bring your signed quiz back to Ms. Padda


COY- Please return your forms! COY will start on Thursday, November 3rd.

This program will run every Monday and Thursday after school from 2:30-4:00pm.

Photo Orders are due TOMORROW (Friday, October 28th, 2016)- if you are ordering the individual student portraits.

Pioneer Camp Forms & Money are due ASAP. Remember that there are only a few spots remaining, and they are filled on a first-come-first-served basis.