Increased Health and Safety Protocols

Here is a list of changes at FMS to improve student and staff safety. We will continue to add to the list as we continue to get ready for the school year.

Face coverings - All people in the building will wear a face covering. If you are unwilling to wear a mask, you will be placed on remote learning. We will have many outdoor mask-free breaks during the school day.

Small Cohorts - Students will travel the entire day to start the year in one small cohort of students. Each advisory will basically have the same schedule, except band/chorus, Spanish/French, and a few other classes. This is a state recommendation and we feel it will help give us the best chance to stay with in-person learning.

Air Quality - Previously we had MERV8 (recommended level pre COVID) filters in all our heating and air exchange systems. We just had an air quality audit and are following their new recommendations and will be running our system for more hours a day. All filters will be upgraded to MERV 13 filters for even greater filtration of the air in the classroom. Contact Dennis Ouellette (, Director of Facilities if you have any questions.

Expanded morning drop off time - Drop of was 7:30-7:38 but we are extending drop off time until 7:45 (and we will extend it later if we see this is not late enough to reduce the number of students coming through the door at once). 6th grade 7:30-7:35, 7th grade 7:35-7:40, 8th grade 7:40-45. All bus students will be dropped of between 7:30-7:40. These are all recommended drop off times for each grade, Students from all grades can be dropped off from 7:30-7:45.

Increased hand sanitizers- We now have over 50 hand sanitizing stations in and outside of our building, plus our 14 bathrooms with sinks and soap (see the picture below of the outside hand sanitizing station).

Hallways- We will reduced numbers of students in the halls at one time. The entire school does not change classes at the same time anymore. Lines will be added to keep students to the side and orderly. 6 foot lines will be added for students waiting in lines (see pictures below)

Increased custodial hours and equipment- The number of custodial cleaning hours will be increased. We are also adding new cleaning equipment to sanitize common areas, desks, tables and other needed spaces.

Water fountains will be for bottle filling only. Please have a water bottle with a straw

Locker rooms - Students will no longer be changing clothing for PE class.

Classrooms will be set up for all students to have at least 3 feet of space, but most will have 6 feet of personal space (in Yellow).

Lunch - This is the only place students are allowed to take off their masks inside of school. All students will be six feet apart. When the weather permits we will eat outside. We have bought tents for outside eating and added many more outside tables for students.

There will be 14 of these hand sanitizing stations outside for students to use before entering the building.

There is orange tape on the floor every 7 feet for the line for the bottle refill fountain. This is one of many new routines we will have to teach our students.

Here is one example of tape in the hallway to help students stay spaced apart and on the right side of the hallway. We have staggered our passing times to also reduce the number of students in the hallway at one time.

This is the cafeteria that will only be used when the weather outside does not permit outdoor eating. All of the rows of tables are 6 feet part and the spots for students are marked with tape to indicate the 6 foot distance to the sides.