What if We have COVID-19 at FMS?

Here are a variety of scenarios of COVID-19 cases at Freeport Middle School or in our community and how we would respond if we are following the either the Green or Yellow plans:

Student/Staff at FMS is confirmed to have COVID-19: All students who were in direct contact with the student/staff member would be notified by the CDC and have to quarantine for 14 days. They would all access their regular class via zoom or we would fully switch to our RED plan (which is also synchronous zoom classes).

Family member of student /staff that live in the same house as FMS student/staff is confirmed to have COVID-19: The FMS student / staff member and entire family would be home until CDC allows them to return to school.

What if someone is out with a fever at FMS?

We have students out with a fever every day of the school year. Students/Staff have to follow this protocol to return to school from the Maine DOE.

The information on this page and all other pages will be updated when the state, CDC and RSU5 make updates to procedures and rules.