Love is...

For this project, it was what it love I choose to take this picture because it is something that I love to do and something that everyone in my family like to do. This is something that I have been doing for a while and something that had been in my family for a hile and whenever I am at these games I am in a good mood. The energy that is in the gym at Bates college is so high everyone knows everyone and has been apart of bates me and my family see people that we have seen in a while or someone that they knew when they were kids. I choose to take this picture even though it doesn't have to do with my concentration but it has lots of meaning of love because of the bond of the player that they make playing together they are all like family and it being something that I and my dad go to watch and both love. When I was taking this picture the color of it was a warm and more yellow tint to it so I played around with the filter when editing it and made it so that black and white and the colors were not warm and the picture was not tinted with a yellow look to it. I also change the amount of lighting in the picture and how much there was because I didn't want it to be too dark but I didn't want it to light so I played around with the lighting until I found what I thought looked best to me. Something that I really liked about this picture was that they were all together and going over there next couple of plays and they were so into the game and what they were going to do next to win and all working together all the players and the coaches.