About Me

My name is Ella Carignan I was born here in Maine and I have one sister. When I am at home I English. Career goals that I have for myself are that I wanna find something that I enjoy doing and something that will keep my financial stability. What I find myself doing in five years is that I will be in college I will have a job that I am doing to bring money in when being in college. I found that when my cousin who is older then I started taking a liking to photography I started liking it because she was someone that I looked up to and then she made a career out of photography and went to college for it is when I thought it was really cool. Something that I am proud of is how I am always thinking of ways that will make people happy and how much I like to help others. Things that I enjoy doing In my free time it usually depends I like hanging with friends I always like to be doing something and don't like down time. I enrolled in this class because I wanted to learn more and find ways to make my photographs stronger. I don't have a particular artist that I am really into I just like seeing what people have and what their inspiration is. My ideal job would be something that I enjoy doing that will give me money. Three adjectives that describe me are kind, shy and caring.

Artistic Inspiration

I am really drawn to this image because I love the ocean and this image has leading lines in it and I love the way she captures the birds flying over the boat and how clear the image it.

Artist- Julia Himmel. Photograph- lobster Quincy Mass November 2015

I am drawn to this photograph because I like how it is in black and white.I also like how there is not a lot to this image it is simple and the dog is off to the side using rule of thirds.

Artist- Julia Himmel. Photograph- Black and white New York March 2015

I am drawn to this image because I like how it is up close of the road signs but it is showing some framing of the building in the back round and how the image is set up.

Artist- Diane Arbus. Photograph- Broadway 12 x 16

I was drawn to this image because I liked how the trees are framing the dog and the girl and how there is not much color so that it is not taking away from the picture and it is very dark around the edges

Artist- Keith Carter. Photograph- conversation with a coyote 2012

I was drawn to this image because I like how all the shoes are organized and everything in the picture is neat and organized. The shoes cause leading lines in this image.

Artist-Bill Owens. Photograph- Shoes Philadelphia