
All of the images that choose are related to my concentration. At the begging of the class I choose that I wanted my concentration to be personal landscape but throughout class and taking all kinds of pictures I learned that I like taking pictures of landscapes but that taking pictures of sports and athletes was something the enjoyed better and I personally think that my pictures of sports that I took were a lot better than landscape because I am more passionate about it and enjoy taking photos of sports better. In the pictures that i choose there are all kinds of different techniques that i used like leading lines grouping low and high horizon line. using different techniques helps make photos better then they could be and they are easy to put into your photo. most of my images are outside because my concentration was personal landscape so there is a lot of natural lighting in the pictures. The concentration that I choose which is personal landscape helped with my ideas and I had something to do with a landscape in all of my photos. something that I noticed with my pictures was that some of them were not the best and that it was because I was passionate about what I was taking pictures of. what I would do next time is that I would change what my concentration was so that I could be taking pictures of something that I am passionate about so that my images could be the strongest that they are and I could really like what I was taking pictures of. Something that I have noticed about m pictures is that if I could choose I would want my photos to be in black and white because personally, I think that they are the best pictures to look at and something that I really like and think make the image stronger. Overall with my concentration, I think it was ok but I would definitely look into doing more with sports and not doing as much with landscape because my images could be a lot stronger and more to my liking.