
DESCRIBE what you did to create your image (what is the subject, what is the setting, how did you edit your image, why did you choose to create that specific image, how is the work composed/arranged?)

When creating my image i looked at the artist that i did and used my artist for inspiration and i ediet it alittle to make it look stronger.

The setting of my picture is at my sister's soccer game.

ANALYZE how you created your image (how did your project evolve, what did you change/revise?)

I created my image by when my sister was standing still snapped a picture of her and i had to

Take about 15 photos because she would always move and it was hard to get the right picture.

INTERPRET/EVALUATE why you chose/created your image (what is the meaning behind the photo, what is the story, how does the image relate to your life, if you think it could be stronger, what “bothers” you about your image?)

I choose to create this picture because i liked how one of my artist took the photo and the style he used with the colors and of the players