Complementery Colors

For this project we were taking pictures that had complemenry colora in the picture. Clomplemetry colors are the colors that you cant make but you can many so many colors by mixing the comlemtert colors together. Comlemetry colors are blue,yellow and red. My contrast is personal landscape . This weekend I went to Mass and my sister had a GPS socccer tournement and so she had 3 games and if they one there last game they went to the finals her team was wearing blue and we didnt know what team we were going to play so when watching all the games i was hoping that they would play a red team so that i could take a picture with complementry colors . They did end up playing the red team and i was aple to get is so that i could get the blue red and yellow in the picture. It was trickey at first to take the picture because they wwere moving all around and would be at the other end of the feild so it was hard to gt a picture that i really liked and could use. I took this picture around 12:15 am and it was very cloudy and grey out so the lighting in the picture was not the best. When I was editing the picture cropped it so that i cut some of the field out that was no needed and it made it so the girls playing on the flied were closer looking and you could see the colors better then i ajusted how much light was in the photo and enhanced the color so that they poped out more. It was really cold when i was taking this picture so I was trying to take the picture quick somethig that i liked and had the complementry colors in it.