
For my image, the project was that we had to take a picture that was about hands and try and incorporate what we choose to do our contrast page on and for me that was personal landscape. I didn't know what I was going to so finally I thought of painting an image on my hands. I decided to paint on my hands a landscape of the ocean and I choose the ocean because Love the ocean and that tied in with my contrast page. To make this image I had to use paint and make colors for the beach and so I used different colors of paint to make the ocean. I mostly used blue because of the sky and the water with some green, white and black. At the beginning of this project I didn't know what I was going to do for a landscape but then I choose ocean and when I was deciding how I was painting I didn't know how to start. Holding my hands together and being still was hard to do because if I moved a little bit it messed up. when taking the picture I had to try and get the right lighting. After I took the photo I edited it and changed the color contrast to make the colors more vibrant. this picture relates to me because I am always at the beach every chance I get and I love the ocean.