family dynamics

The point of this project was that we would get a picture of our family and what it is kinds of like so not like a picture that is planned and perfect because no family is perfect not even a picture could make my family look perfect. So I wanted to get a picture of something that me and my family really enjoy doing we all love the beach and wish e could live on the beach so I was thinking about taking a picture with my family at the beach. Then I thought about it more and more and I wanted my photo to do something with disney because it is my sister and grandmothers favorite place to visit. When I was in disney we went to this place that had really good food but also they had some characters walking around to every table and taking pictures, When mickey came around to our table I took a picture of my sister and mickey and thought it was cute and it alos worked with this project. I turned the picture to greyscale and then put it to invert so that I could make a print out of it. When I printed on the the glossy paper mickeys ears did not show up I didnt want to have to print again so I developed it and then I ran into problems because my image was turning out really grey and did not have any range of value, I put a filter on my image in the dark room and it helped out by giving the image a much better range of value. Still iIhad a problem called where did mickeys ears go? The picture really didnt look normal with no ears so I had to do something about it and was thinking of using sharpie or pastels to draw the ears back on mickey. I outlined where the ears would have been and then painted them black. Iiked how the final product came out and it did not come out as bad as I thought it was going to be. Although I ran into problems with my image I problem solved and fixed my image and it made it so that it was different then just a normal print. This picture also show one thing that my familt loves and something my sister loves.