CLC News 4.22

Word from Mrs. Steen:

‘Tis the Season for testing!

Last week 100% of our middle school students completed this testing. So, they get a special treat coming soon! Now it’s time for high school. Let’s all be here for testing. It’s one of those things we must do and it gets us closer to the end of the year! Good luck, everyone!

Do your best!

Word from Ms. Parrish:

I miss you all, I miss my job, and I’m trying very hard to do everything the doctor says so I can return to work with a healthy knee/leg.

Determination is my word!

“Nothing will work unless you do!” Love this quote by John Wooden and Maya Angelou. Historians cannot agree who said it first!

Word from Mrs. Parker:

Pregnant & Parenting Group will meet on Thursday. Be here! Be on time! Do you work! Make up your seat time! You’ve got this!