CLC News 12.10

Pottery Van!

Message from Mrs. Steen


Word of the Month

A refusal to lie, steal, or deceive in any way


word of the week

A modest or low view of one's own importance; humbleness.

Which do you choose?

Ms. parker's Message

STUDENTS- If you need winter hats, gloves or a coat--come see me! I CAN HELP! There is no reason to be cold, if you don’t have to be!

Students - Remember your attendance matters! If you had an NC for no credit on your report card, do your seat time! Come by my office if you need help finding this out.

Counselor's Corner

Ms. Parrish says...

Seniors if you would like to graduate your steps to graduate are:

1. Pass your classes

2. Come to school!!

3. Make up your seat time and you know who you are.