CLC News 3.26.19

Word from Mrs. Steen

"Spring break is that time of year when students look forward to having a break from studying, doing homework, and taking tests. Teachers look forward to taking a break from preparing lesson plans and grading papers. Just like the term implies, spring break is that period in early spring when colleges and universities close their doors so students, teachers, principals, and staff can have a short vacation."

Word from Ms. Parrish

$10,556 a year, That’s the payout on average, for finishing high school. The average yearly income for people without a high school diploma in the U.S. is $26,780 per year. The average yearly income is $37,336 for people with high school diploma

Word from Mrs. Parker

It’s almost spring break and i am excited to have extra time with family. I hope everyone has a safe and happy spring break!


Persistent in doing something no matter how hard it is.


Taylor Daniels 3/26

Malachi Brungardt 3/27

Alexis Rangel 3/31


3/26 Fourth quarter starts.

3/28 A play called Stupid Boy will be playing in the Rogers Public Theatre. Get your tickets now!

3/29 Barks and Brews is a public event to raise money for the Rogers Animal Shelter (go for the barks.) Go show your support! Find more information on the Downtown Rogers website for Stupid Boys and Barks and Brews.


Q:) Why was the broom late?

A:) Because it over swept!