Place Value

  • Students will represent, compose, and decompose numbers to 1,000 in a variety of ways.

  • Students will generate a number that is greater than or less than a given whole number up to 1,000.

  • Students will identify and locate numbers on an open number line.

  • Students will use place value to compare numbers using comparative language such as “is greater than” and “is less than” and using comparison symbols >, <, or =

  • Students will order whole numbers using place value and open number lines.

The goal of this unit is learning to read, write, represent, and compare 3-digit numbers. This requires students to extend the concept of unitizing they began developing in 1st grade - the idea that groups can be counted as single units. For example, a group of 100 counters can be counted as 1 hundred, and four groups of 100 counters can be counted as 1, 2, 3, 4 hundreds. In the case of hundreds, the unit is hundred, but there are two possible collections to consider, 100 ones and 10 tens. This concept is critical to understanding the structure of our place value system which is built on the idea of continuously unitizing groups of 10 into tens (10 ones), hundreds (10 tens), thousands (10 hundreds), etc.