Baltic Sea Regional Action Network 

of Rotarians

The BASRAN webinar October 26, 2024: Prevention rather than Cure - Save the Baltic Sea!

in Finland, August 4.-9, 2024

CHECK the Week Programme!

CHECK the Day-by-Day Programme!

An inspiring seminar on the shores of the Gulf of Finland! The seminar brings together young people aged 18-30 from each Baltic Sea country to learn about the Baltic Sea and the Climate Change, and to consider the role of environmental issues in responsible leadership.

The BASRAN Baltic Sea RYLA 2024 is fully booked!

Sweden is now the country holding the presidency for the next two years 2023-2025 - under the leadership of Gun-Marie "Guje" Östedt-Axelsson

Get to know the new Action Plan 2023-2025!

Many warm thanks to Mark Krawczynski and the Rotarians of Poland for the chairmanship in the period 2021-2023. gives a large and good picture of all the activities!

What is BASRAN

You are welcome to join BASRAN by clicking HERE.  

Or mailing to basran.mail (at) 

There are no costs involved!