À la Carte Services

À la carte services are available for individuals who want to explore independent services. Before any services begin, a service agreement outlining what single or group of services will be required. This agreement is based on an estimated time to complete the service at the appropriate hourly rate. All services will include a report and a follow-up session to review the results.

Report icon with a pencil attached

Job or Career Guidance Report

Provide 2-4 job categories to pursue based on an interview, results of job interest, and work values inventories.  Identify how prior work and education history can help identify other jobs within each person's capabilities. 

hourglass icon

Psychometric Testing

Administer testing (academic, cognitive, interest, work values/personality) that will assist in identifying strengths that may be used in deciding more appropriate academic or job goals. 

icon of a report with a picture on it to represent a resume

Resume & Cover Letter Development

Work with each person to develop a resume and cover letter highlighting the best skills and preferred work environment. 

icon with a tie on it

Interview Skills Training

Develop and practice interview skills for similar job categories, highlight each person's work skills, and assist with disclosure of disability issues, if applicable.

Contact Us

À la Carte Services Services

Marcos Molinar, MS CRC

Vocational Consultant & Owner