
Be Present


Meditation is an effective technique that has been around for centuries. It uses all five senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch) and brings you to the present moment. Don't worry; it doesn't have to be complicated.

An easy way to get started is to sit and close your eyes if you feel comfortable. You will want to set a timer for 5 or 10 minutes. From there, notice your body (go through your five senses) and focus on breathing. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Notice as your mind wanders off, then bring it back to focusing on your breathing (it takes practice). As your timer goes off, open your eyes.

You will learn to pay attention to your breath as it goes in and out. Notice when the mind wanders when doing this task. This practice of returning to the breath builds the muscles of attention and mindfulness. When you pay attention to your breath, you learn how to return to, and remain in, the present moment—to anchor yourselves in the here and now on purpose, without judgment. You can take a moment to notice how your body feels right now and what your thoughts and emotions may be.

Again, here is a quick guide to mediation:

  1. Take a seat

  2. Set a time limit

  3. Notice your body

  4. Focus on your breathing

  5. Pay attention to when your mind wanders

  6. Close with kindness

That's it! That's the practice. You focus your attention, your mind wanders, bring it back, and try to do it as kindly as possible (as often as you need to).

As you continue to practice meditating, you will notice a decrease in stress and anxiety, enhanced well-being, and improved overall health. Give yourself 5 minutes a day to sit with yourself and see how it can positively change your mental health.