Technology Services

How to deal with Phishing?

Online security announcement:

beware of phishing and other online scams

Be cautious with messages from senders that have no on their email address

Verify the identity of the person emailing you before interacting

Don't interact with scammers.

Report  Phishing and Spam: 

Gmail on Computer has the Report Phishing and "Stop Button" options.

Mobile Gmail has Report Spam behind the top-right 3 dots. 

Visit for more advice on how to avoid falling for phishing scams and malicious online campaigns.

How to get Tech Support? Here's how!


Here's some technology related information and resources for you. We also invite you to share your ideas and feedback to support our collaboration. This web page is built and updated using Google Sites, the publishing platform of our teachers and students.

So, instead of a HelpDesk this is...

Let's collaborate and learn together,


Rio Site Technology Diversity

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