Note to Students

Please note that many of the Super-Curricular activities you will be doing require online work. At the end of each task page, you will find links that will help you practise a range of skills in different ways:

Please keep in mind that the permissions and filters on your home computers may be different from those on the school network. Be patient if the websites don't respond immediately as you expect. Whenever possible, please use a computer to open the links so that you can get the full benefit of the presentations suggested by your teachers for your research.

Also, remember to stay safe when working online. Apply what you have learnt about online safety whenever you are working. If you have any concerns, you can click on the CEOP button at the bottom of the homepage of this site, which will take you directly to the UK Government's Child Exploitation and Online Protection website. In addition, I have placed a link to the UK government's "Prevent" program, which aims to stop terrorism and extremism online. This link provides a way for you to report any concerns you may have about online material promoting terrorism or extremism. You can access this link by visiting the homepage of this site and clicking on the "Prevent" button.

To support safer online working, we have created a new webpage that collects together a range of resources for students and their parents/carers. You can access this webpage by following this link.