Professional Learning Strand Leader

What is a Strand Leader?

The Professional Learning Strands Model is a structure that allows teachers to engage in a deeper dive of skill and application in a topic of their choosing. Topics have been identified based on observation of need and district data. Interested Strand Leaders may also propose a new strand based on an area of expertise. Strand Leaders are professional learning leaders who provide training and support in targeted areas. Strand Leaders are practitioners who are experts in the area in which they provide professional learning.

Strand sessions will be conducted August 8th, October 17th, and January 3rd; the first session is during the Professional Learning Conference. The strands will work as a three-part workshop series for which participants will register for all 3 parts. The progression of the workshop should consider opportunities after each session for teachers to apply new learning and/or resources and receive feedback during the subsequent session. Strand session capacity is 25 participants.

All strand sessions will be conducted in a face-to-face format during the 2022-2023 school year. Sessions will be 2 hours in length and offered during one of two time blocks.


Strand Leaders will

  • Participate in 2 hours of training on planning, delivering, and assessing the impact of professional learning strands.

  • Facilitate Strand sessions with registered participants on designated Professional Learning Days (August 8th, October 17th, January 3rd)

  • Offer opportunities between sessions to provide feedback to participants regarding implementation of strategies addressed during the sessions.


Developing and leading engaging professional learning opportunities is impactful for both the leader and the participants.

School level coaches and teacher strand leaders will receive a $400 stipend for serving in this capacity for the year. Strand leaders will also receive 15 hours of renewal credit for their training time, planning and follow-up opportunities.


All strand leaders will serve one term; however, depending on the need for and interest in the strand area, some sessions may repeated during the next school year.

Important Dates

Application Window Opens- May 9, 2022

Application Window Closes- May 31, 2022

Strand Leader Notification- on or before June 9, 2022

Training Session- Summer 2022 (Date options TBD)

Interested in Leading? Apply Below!