Course Developer

& Instructor

District Course Options

  • Graduate Credit Courses- The district has a partnership with Winthrop University to offer WPDC (Winthrop Professional Development Courses) led by district course instructors. Courses can be delivered F2F, virtually or hybrid.

  • Renewal Credit Courses- Renewal Credit courses are taught over a period of time and focus on a specific topic. Participants are awarded renewal credits for professional learning.

  • Self-Paced Courses Self-paced courses are Canvas-based modules that allow participants to engage in learning more about a topic of focus at his/her own pace. Participants are awarded renewal credits for professional learning.

Renewal Credit Course Developer & Instructor

Developers and Instructors for Renewal Credit Courses should design course content and syllabi that reflect an understanding of the content/topic of focus, needs of adult learners, and targeted learning outcomes. Renewal credit courses should deepen the participants understanding of a topic without the boundaries of formal assessments and grades. The purpose of the course is to focus on the participants application and demonstration of learning through practical and applicable experiences.

Requirements after acceptance: Two summer coaching and feedback sessions, syllabus proposal, minimum number of required participants to offer course

Graduate Credit Course Developer & Instructor

Developers and Instructors for Graduate Courses should design course content and syllabi that reflect an understanding of the content/topic of focus, needs of adult learners, and targeted learning outcomes. Important components such as text readings, research projects, presentations, and other learning intensive learning opportunities should be considered. Graduate courses require multiple assessment of learning opportunities.

Requirements after acceptance: Two summer coaching and feedback sessions, syllabus proposal, minimum number of required participants to offer course

Self-Paced Course Developer & Instructor

Developers and Instructors for Self-Paced Courses should design course content and syllabi that reflect an understanding of the content/topic of focus, needs of adult learners, and targeted learning outcomes. Course developers should consider opportunities that guide the independent learning of the participant by identifying meaningful methods to deliver the content and crafting engaging practice and opportunities for the participant to demonstrate learning.

Requirements after acceptance: Two summer coaching and feedback sessions, syllabus proposal, minimum number of required participants to offer course

Resources for Course Developers

Endorsement/Renewal Course

Sample Syllabus for Renewal Credit/Read to Succeed Course

Sample_WPDC_Syllabus_Format_fall18 (1).doc

Sample Syllabus for Graduate Credit Course

Self-Paced Course Overview

Self-Paced Course Development Details

Application, Selection, and Course Offering Process

Those interested in creating course content and serving as a course instructor should be aware of the following:

  • All interested should submit an application to teach one of the courses to be offered during the upcoming school year. A list of courses is provided on the application. Note that an additional application for Winthrop University is required for all individuals teaching graduate level courses.

  • A virtual interview will be required for those who apply.

  • Once approved, instructors should design a course syllabus (graduate and renewal courses) or course overview and course (self-paced course) for additional approval. See resources above. Virtual coaching/feedback sessions will be required to support applicants in developing syllabi.

  • Course offerings are made public for registration once course syllabi/overviews are approved.

  • Registration minimums are required in order for courses to be offered. Graduate courses must have at least 10 participants. Renewal Credit courses must have at least 7 participants. Self-Paced courses must have at least 10 participants.

  • All approved course instructors will receive a stipend for serving in this capacity if the course developed meets the registration requirements.

  • Deadline to apply: May 31st