What Can I Do for My Neck Curve?

People are now aware that their posture can change the alignment of the neck. The question is what you do for it. If you have a straight neck – or what is called text neck or military neck – then there must be a solution to fix this. These are the steps I do to help people with bad posture that causes the neck to lose its normal alignment.

  • Check posture.

If your ear is in front of your shoulder, then that means that your neck will be shifted forward too. This can be due to rounder shoulders, hunched upper back, postural kyphosis (rounding of the mid back), and anterior head shift.

  • Take X-rays

This is the only way to see the alignment of your neck. Using proper X-ray analysis, you can see if your neck is shifted forward, straight, reversed in curvature, injured due to car wrecks/traumas/sport injuries/falls, etc.

  • Take X-ray with corrective procedure

Using a cervical Denneroll, which is a block used to get curve in the neck, you can see exactly where to place this block to get the proper curve in your neck and fix text neck/military neck.

  • Use the cervical Denneroll at home

Using this every day has been shown to get curve in the neck. Not only that, using it for 36 times over 3 months can even make your neck curve permanently change and not return to the bad alignment.

Having neck curve has been shown to help with people that have:

Neck pain

Herniated disc in neck

Arm pain


Decreased blood flow to the brain


Poor balance

Numbness in hands

Shoulder pain

Upper back pain

Low back pain

The best method for analysis and correction of the neck (cervical spine) is Chiropractic Biophysics. This technique has been shown repeatedly to correct the neck curve in patients and improve the health of individuals that have decreased neck curve.

About the author:

Dr. Mike Weiner is a chiropractor in Alpharetta, GA that specializes in a very different type of chiropractic called Chiropractic Biophysics. This is the most research and evidence-based chiropractic technique that focuses on analyzing and correcting spinal misalignments (subluxations) and correcting the alignment of the spine to improve health.


  • Moustafa, I.M., Diab, A.A., Hegazy, F. et al. Does improvement towards a normal cervical sagittal configuration aid in the management of cervical myofascial pain syndrome: a 1- year randomized controlled trial. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 19, 396 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12891-018-2317-y

  • Moustafa IM, Diab AA, Harrison DE. The effect of normalizing the sagittal cervical configuration on dizziness, neck pain, and cervicocephalic kinesthetic sensibility: a 1-year randomized controlled study. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2017;53:57-71. DOI: 10.23736/S1973-9087.16.04179-4

  • Katz EA, Katz SB, Fedorchuk CA, Lightstone DF, Banach CJ, Podoll JD. Increase in cerebral blood flow indicated by increased cerebral arterial area and pixel intensity on brain magnetic resonance angiogram following correction of cervical lordosis. Brain Circ. 2019;5(1):19–26. doi:10.4103/bc.bc_25_18